Chicago Criminal Lawyer

Chicago Criminal Lawyer

Thursday 22 December 2011

What is a Chicago Federal Criminal Lawyer ?

Many individuals do not know that criminal cases can be divided up between being a state case or a federal case. There are differences between the two types of cases, and they are often handled by two different types of lawyers. Cases in the Chicago area that are considered federal offenses are handled by a Chicago federal criminal lawyer. The types of cases that are considered federal vary, and it can be complicated to decipher which type of case or crime is which. A good example of a federal case that might be represented by a Chicago federal criminal lawyer is a case involving the sale or distribution of illegal drugs or robbing a financial institution such as a bank.

Typically, in order for a drug case to be considered a federal case, the drugs must exchange hands across state lines or there must be a well thought out plan for distributing or moving the drugs to a different state. A federal criminal lawyer handles their case preparation much the same way as a state attorney. A federal defense attorney will try and provide you the best defense strategy possible and make sure that you get the fair trial that you are guaranteed in the Constitution.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Chicago Drug Lawyer Defense Strategies

Drug charges in the Chicago area carry serious penalties if you are convicted of the crime. It can be a scary and intimidating process to face these types of charges, and that is exactly why it is so important to hire a trustworthy Chicago drug lawyer with a stellar winning record. These attorneys focus primarily on cases that deal with drug possession, manufacturing, trafficking, sales, and prescription fraud. The seriousness of the penalty for these offenses has largely to do with the quantity of the substances you are found to be in possession of or that you have stolen, but in most cases these crimes are felony offenses.
There are several different defense strategies a Chicago drug lawyer can put together. One is to examine the tactics that were used by Illinois law enforcement to collect the evidence that is now being used against you. You are protected by the 4th Amendment of the Constitution against unlawful search and seizure of your property. If the authorities retrieved your property without the proper legal authorization, such as a search warrant, that means the evidence was collected illegally and should be dismissed from being used in court. Your attorney will also challenge possession claims by stating that just because a drug was found on your property does not mean it belongs to you personally.

Why Legal Representation by a Criminal Attorney in Chicago is Important

The legal system in the United States is made up of many intricate and detailed laws that often seem to flow together and become tangled. Some of the language that these laws are written in is somewhat tricky and can be difficult for the average person to understand. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to seek counsel from a criminal attorney in Chicago if you are facing criminal charges in that part of Illinois. A good Chicago criminal lawyer will be well versed in the law and will be able to explain your charges and the possible sentences you might face if convicted of those charges.
A criminal attorney in Chicago can help make sure that any search and seizure of property used as evidence against you in your case was done so legally as outlined in the Constitution of the United States. This means that your criminal attorney will go through the investigation that led to your arrest and make sure that the proper warrants were obtained. This helps the attorney to build a solid case that may help you avoid being convicted for the crime you are charged with or can at least greatly reduce your possible sentence.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Reasons You Need a Chicago Drug Lawyer to Represent You

Facing drug charges in the state of Illinois can land you in prison for many years and leave you with major financial penalties to pay. Not only can you end up doing serious time in prison, but these offenses are typically felonies. A felony that goes on your permanent record carries a social stigma with it that might prevent you from ever being able to get a decent job or a place to live. Since these charges are serious and a conviction can ruin your future, you need to consult with a Chicago drug lawyer.

A Chicago drug lawyer focuses on cases that deal with the possession, sales, or manufacturing of all different types of drugs. These attorneys exist to ensure that you are given a trial where the jury is not biased against you for any reason. Drug defense attorneys are allowed to examine the procedures followed by law enforcement agents during the collecting of evidence, questioning of the suspect, the evidence itself, and the testimony of witnesses. This gives your attorney a chance to build a case casting reasonable doubt on your guilt by calling into question the legality of the methods used by law enforcement to gather the evidence being used against you in your case. This can result in evidence being dismissed from the case and you being acquitted of all charges.

A Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney Can Defend You against Drug Charges

Facing drug charges in Chicago is a serious matter. Depending on the type of substance you were found to possess or to sell and how much of the substance you were found with, you can be looking at some serious jail time. Most drug offenses are serious enough to be considered felony offenses, which go on your permanent record and can stain your reputation for life. The key to avoiding a conviction or to spending years in prison for drug related charges is hiring a Chicago criminal defense attorney.

A Chicago criminal defense lawyer can set up a defense strategy that can help you avoid a conviction or at least make a deal for a reduced sentence. A Chicago criminal defense attorney can help you with drug charges in two ways. They can go back through evidence gathered from questioning done by law enforcement and call into question whether the interrogation was done properly according to the Constitution or whether they coerced you into talking during your arrest, which is illegal. A defense attorney can also examine whether or not police violated your rights by unlawful seizure of the drugs and other evidence they confiscated from your person or your property.