Chicago Criminal Lawyer

Chicago Criminal Lawyer

Thursday 22 December 2011

What is a Chicago Federal Criminal Lawyer ?

Many individuals do not know that criminal cases can be divided up between being a state case or a federal case. There are differences between the two types of cases, and they are often handled by two different types of lawyers. Cases in the Chicago area that are considered federal offenses are handled by a Chicago federal criminal lawyer. The types of cases that are considered federal vary, and it can be complicated to decipher which type of case or crime is which. A good example of a federal case that might be represented by a Chicago federal criminal lawyer is a case involving the sale or distribution of illegal drugs or robbing a financial institution such as a bank.

Typically, in order for a drug case to be considered a federal case, the drugs must exchange hands across state lines or there must be a well thought out plan for distributing or moving the drugs to a different state. A federal criminal lawyer handles their case preparation much the same way as a state attorney. A federal defense attorney will try and provide you the best defense strategy possible and make sure that you get the fair trial that you are guaranteed in the Constitution.

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