Chicago Criminal Lawyer

Chicago Criminal Lawyer

Thursday 6 October 2011

Reasons You Need a Chicago Drug Lawyer to Represent You

Facing drug charges in the state of Illinois can land you in prison for many years and leave you with major financial penalties to pay. Not only can you end up doing serious time in prison, but these offenses are typically felonies. A felony that goes on your permanent record carries a social stigma with it that might prevent you from ever being able to get a decent job or a place to live. Since these charges are serious and a conviction can ruin your future, you need to consult with a Chicago drug lawyer.

A Chicago drug lawyer focuses on cases that deal with the possession, sales, or manufacturing of all different types of drugs. These attorneys exist to ensure that you are given a trial where the jury is not biased against you for any reason. Drug defense attorneys are allowed to examine the procedures followed by law enforcement agents during the collecting of evidence, questioning of the suspect, the evidence itself, and the testimony of witnesses. This gives your attorney a chance to build a case casting reasonable doubt on your guilt by calling into question the legality of the methods used by law enforcement to gather the evidence being used against you in your case. This can result in evidence being dismissed from the case and you being acquitted of all charges.

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