Chicago Criminal Lawyer

Chicago Criminal Lawyer

Wednesday 18 January 2012

What is the Law Regarding Residential Burglary in Illinois?

According to legal code, a person commits the crime of residential burglary in Illinois if the individual knowingly and without proper authority enters or remains within the dwelling place of another with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. This means that an individual essentially enters the home or legal residence of another person without their express permission with the intent to steal some of that person’s property or belongings. Residential burglary in Illinois is a very serious crime that can land you in some very serious trouble. 

The penalty for someone who has been charged and convicted with residential burglary can be fairly steep. This crime is considered to be a Class 1 felony offense, which carries a prison sentence of anywhere from 4 years to 15 years. There is also no probation available for individuals who have been convicted of this crime. Due to the seriousness of this crime and the severity of the possible punishment, you need to hire a criminal defense attorney immediately. They can provide legal counsel and representation that can end up reducing your sentence by having your charges reduced down to a plain burglary charge. Good legal representation might also be able to cast reasonable doubt on your guilt and get you acquitted of all charges.


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