The motto of the United States legal system is that you
are innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, this is sometimes not
practiced accurately in our legal system and some people are treated as though they
have already been convicted of a crime. This can take form in how you are
handled by the police before, during, and after an arrest or during your
criminal trial by the prosecution. This is why it is highly recommended that if
you are facing criminal charges in Illinois you need to hire a Chicago criminal lawyer.
One of the ways that a criminal attorney in Chicago can
help protect your rights is by being present during any type of questioning or
interrogation done by law enforcement officers. Many individuals get panicked
when they are being questioned and begin saying things that end up
incriminating them. If questioning and interrogation is not done in a manner
that complies with the Constitution and state and local laws, the information
gathered in the interrogation cannot be used in court. A Chicago criminal
lawyer will put your treatment by law enforcement under scrutiny to make sure
that you receive the fair trial that your Constitutional rights as an American
citizen guarantee you.